“The Attic” stars Nate Grimes as a curious young man who stumbles across his step-grandfather’s porn collection in (you guessed it) the attic. He turns on the projector to see Collin Simpson and Kaleb Stryker in action, which seems a bit strange given that neither of those performers look like vintage porn stars… But hey, MEN.COM did the best that they could and threw a grainy filter onto some footage!
Assuming that the “Attic” is a series, I’m curious to see what happens next! My guess is that Nate will watch a few more movies on his own before his step-grandfather catches him in the act. I mean, obviously, Nate is going to have sex with his step-grandfather, right? Please tell me that I’m right!
Scroll down to see Collin Simpson and Kaleb Stryker in action…
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